My session with Lady Hinako was magical to say the least! The moment I looked into those beautiful brown eyes, I was completely under her control. Even now, my thoughts are consumed by the memory of our time together. I will definitely be visiting her again!
-George 🇺🇸
First of all I want to thank Mistress Hinako, that she accepted me as her slave! I had the privilege to serve her already a couple of times and I must say, she is phantastic! I would like to be under her feet for the rest of my life. She really knows how to guide a man to his actual destiny - to be a slave and servant to such a beautiful and smart lady. She can be strict but has at the same time also humor and in a session we also laugh sometimes. The only hesitation I have to praise her here is, that I would like to be her only slave! Once you meet Mistress Hinako, you love her! I hope I can see her very often in my life and be able to serve and please her.
-Alex 🇩🇪
I have had the privilege of multiple sessions with Mistress Hinako and each one leaves me begging for more. I remember our first session, i was nervous, encased in latex and trapped in an inflatable latex sack, the only thing i could see was the ceiling above me when Mistress Hinako came into view with a huge smile on her face. I realised then that she genuinely enjoys her sessions and that made the experience amazing for me. Mistress Hinako is beautiful, fun and genuinely perverted with a broad range of fetishes, equipment , a broad and impressive knowledge of all fetishes and a much more caring and interactive approach than i had experienced before with other mistresses. Mistress Hinako’s English is very good and we have never had any communication difficulties. I 100% recommend Mistress Hinako to any of my fellow perverts out there. I am quite literally counting down the days till my next session!!
The time with Hinako San makes people feel peaceful, she is very kind and can answer most of your request, of course as the customer also need to be kind, Respect each other is very important. The feeling of friend also makes people feel peace.
I have met Miss Hinako twice in the past year, and both times were wonderful experiences. I was new to the world of sessions before I met her for the first time, and I was nervous to contact her. But she was so friendly in our initial conversations that my nerves turned to feelings of excitement, making me even more anxious to meet her. Upon the initial meeting, I was instantly smitten with her, as she was so fun and interesting to talk with. In both sessions, she showed her proficiency in rope bondage by tying me up in various positions, leaving me vulnerable to whatever she wanted to do to me. She tickled me mercilessly, and I could do nothing but beg her to stop. Unable to escape her bondage, I was dominated and tortured, completely at her mercy. She enjoyed what she was doing too, laughing at my suffering. The sweet, charming young woman turned into a dominant predator. I was about to cry, unable to handle her torture. Despite how much agony I was in, I loved every minute of it. My 2nd session with Miss Hinako was a long time after the 1st session, but I was dying to see her again. She was so nice to remember things I told her 5-6 months earlier, such as my hobbies and traveling stories, which just shows how kind and personable she is. Miss Hinako is a wonderful combination of danger and beauty. She is gorgeous, and her skills are magnificent. She will capture and torture you, and you will love it. She is perfect to session with for both beginners and the experienced. Her friendly personality allows you to cast your nerves aside…until she gets hold of you. She is amazing. I can’t wait for a 3rd time.
很久以前就想玩木乃伊和胶衣但因为是第一次所以纠结了很久才主动找Hinako-san玩。 虽然语言不怎么通但她还是很努力很耐心的用英文跟我交谈,让我先不那么紧张才开始玩。 包木乃伊的过程中她也非常用心,玩胶衣的时候也比我想象中的还要爽。 很高兴没选错主!非常介绍给初次体验者!
雛奈子さんとのセッションは楽しかったなぁ! 僕はGパン(デニム)フェチでガチガチに拘束される事を好んでいます。 その欲求を満たしてくれました。 常にペニスは勃起し興奮状態です。 縄は全身にかけて頂いて幸せこのうえなしです。 雛奈子さんのホットパンツ姿も興奮を助長させる効果があって意識が朦朧としていました。 セッション以外でのお話も楽しくユーモアいっぱいで興奮する内容もありました。 押入れ、小屋裏、そそられます。 責められた後に閉じ込められて放置されたらと考えただけでもペニスは固くなります。 今度はそういう事もしたいです。
初めてお逢いした雛奈子さんは思っていたよりキュートで、タトゥーがあるギャップが、とても刺激的でした。 お散歩は残念ながら誰もいなく残念でしたが、吊りプレイを生中継して頂き、知り合いにバレないかという恐怖心と知らない人に見られ笑われてるんじゃないかという差恥心で興奮しました。 ご褒美のレズプレイは双頭ペニバンで突かれながらキスをされとろけそうになりました。 次回お会いした時は、もっともっと変態な姿をさらけ出したいです。その時は宜しくお願い致します。
それ以降セッションの度に迷いを引き出してもらい、自分のフェティシズムが増えて困ってます 笑
自分の中に叶えたい迷いがある方、安心して雛奈子様にcontactを取ってください、恐らく雛奈子様はその迷いの上をいく変態です 笑
サテンフェチかつ拘束フェチ、でもセックスやSMには興味がない自分は今までこの特殊な性癖をさらけ出せる場所がありませんでした。 ただ、雛奈子さんと出会ってからは、自分以外にも多様な変態たちがいることを知り、少しだけ自分のフェチを肯定することができるようになりました。 初めて頭から爪先までサテンに包まれ、全身を拘束された時は、あまりに感動しすぎてもはや記憶がありません笑。 自身が重度のフェチで、様々なフェチにも理解のある雛奈子さんは世界でも有数のフェティシストだと思います。 自分だけでフェチを抱えてモヤモヤしている人は一歩踏み出してみてはいかがでしょうか。 妄想は現実になります。